


Release Number


Release Date

Apr 18, 2019


New Features

Goals Progression

This adds to the capabilities when viewing the list of goals. It is now possible to expand the list to show all targets and their individual progression within the goals.

Goal Periods

This brings the ability to measure progress against goal targets in independent periods. This enables users to be working towards an overall target but have their achievements broken down into smaller blocks of time.

Goal Targets Advanced Settings

This expands the range of options available when setting goal targets and the ability to define goal achievements in more detail. Where previously you could choose which event type(s) should count towards the target, now you can add further settings to give you greater control:

  • A particular field selection within an event

  • The created/start/end date of the event is within a certain time period

  • The state of the event


  • New layout when viewing events to make entered content distinguishable from field labels and descriptive text

  • New blueprint settings to control where the blueprint is used and seen within the application by users

  • Added the ability to sort the goals list by created date

  • Improved the speed of loading the goals page

  • Expand goals to view the associated targets from a single page