


Release Number


Release Date

May 2, 2018


New Features

Add From Anywhere

A new plus (+) button is featured in the application toolbar to allow the quick creation of new events. This means that no matter where you are you can always create something new at the click of a button.

Choose Report Columns to Display

This brings the control to choose which report columns display when embedding reports into a dashboard tile or event type.

If a report lists many columns it is often too much information to display nicely on the dashboard. Within the tile settings for this report you can pick which of the columns you would like to be visible within the tile. Exactly the same control is available when embedding within an event type. The whole report containing all columns is always displayed when viewing the full report. 

Floating Action Bar

When creating a new event the submit and save as a draft buttons are now contained within an action bar which is always visible on screen. This eliminates the need to scroll to either the top or bottom of the page in order to submit an event.

Tagging and linking to goals has also been brought inside this action bar to enable easy access at any point whilst creating a new event.

Activity List

Brings additional functionality to the existing to do list area. Alongside your invitations (to do list) you're now also shown your drafts that you've been working on. 

Included with this new functionality is a new dashboard tile for you to feature the user's to do list, saved drafts or both.

Auto Save

Automatically saves your work on the go so you can always pick up right where you left off. Unsaved drafts appear on your timeline like any other.


  • New to do list dashboard tile 

  • Reports now display '-' instead of 'n/a' for empty values to make the display cleaner and easier to read

  • Quick notes now display a snippet of the text entered to help identify what the note is about

  • Attach tags directly from the documents area

  • Roles can now be duplicated

  • Graph labels are now truncated to save space


  • To do list badge now correctly updates 

  • Blueprints now display correctly in reports

  • Fixed some errors with aggregates in reports